This Month's special offer
What is the Exceeding Greatness
of God's Power?

R.G. Hardy
When NT writers express the love of God, they point to the cross. To express the power of God, they point to the empty tomb. But there is a higher display of God's exceeding great power! He raised Jesus far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named in this age and the age to come! He sat Him at His right hand with all authority in heaven and earth under His feet. 

And there's more: He seated someone else with Him!
Defeating Self Doubt
Sharon Hardy Knotts
• Ever been told “you don’t have faith”?
• Or you need “more faith” or “more power”?

In this revelatory message you will discover: There’s nothing wrong with the faith God gave you that saved you! Nor do you need greater God-power to confront strong satanic power! Because Authority Trumps Power! God not only raised Jesus from the tomb—but far above all powers, and authorities, and gave Him a name above all names.

As a Believer, You Are Authorized to use This Name!
314 Exceeding Greatness of
God's Power

The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate display of His power, but there's more than the empty tomb!

$10.00 Add to Cart

There's nothing wrong with your faith! Nor do you need more God-power, because Authority Trumps Power!

$10.00 Add to Cart
Buy Both & Save!

2 CDs & free shipping.

$15.00 Add to Cart
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Do You Need Prayer?
God is here for you, and so are we. Please allow us to unite our faith with yours before the Lord.

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