Sermons by Sharon Hardy Knotts
Single CDs are $10.00 and dual-CD sets are $15.00. Free shipping on all orders.
SK185 Spirits:
Angels & Demons

Discern & Deal: pychics, seducers, imitators, intimidators & more. 5 Disc Set.

$25.00 Add to Cart
SK186 The Parable
of the Seed

When is the seed not the Word of God? When it is Christians who are born-again of the incorruptible seed of the Word!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK187 The Parable
of the Tares

Tares are people who look like wheat but bear poisonous seeds. Satan sows them among the saints, so beware!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK188 Do You Know Who Your Daddy Is?

Gender identity crisis is Satan's ploy to deny our Creator's physical design when we don't know Him as Father.

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK190 Healer in
the House

The power of the Lord was present to heal them all! Jesus gave us the authority to use His Name against sickness!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK189 Jesus' Manifesto & Mandate

Satan's Manifesto is to steal, kill & destroy. Jesus' Manifesto is to destroy the works of the devil!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK156 We Would
See Jesus

On the cross, He tore down the wall of separation between Jew & Gentile. In Him there are no racial barriers.

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK191 Portal
of Glory

"Gloria Santiago!" she cried as heavenly light penetrated her body: Pure ecstasy!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK192 Psalm 34

God delivers us first from our fears–then from our troubles! He used a license plate to answer me!

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SK175 The Last Supper

The broken body & shed blood of Christ our Passover heals the bodies & seals the resurrection of believers when taken reverently.

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SK194 Jesus Cares ONE-ON-ONE

Only Jesus can tell you about your shameful past & make you happy!

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SK193 The Crucifixion Conspiracy

The plot of intrigue & betrayal began with a parade but ended with a play that rocked the course of history!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK210 My Grace Is Sufficient For You

Each of these 6 words is emphatic. Together their strength is dynamic!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK195 Don't remove Old Landmarks

America's Biblical landmarks are removed, bringing curses on the nation.

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK197 Women &
The Gospel/PULPIT

Jesus changed the rules of engagement, breaking down barriers of race, gender, and cultural classes.

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK198 AwakE!
Arise & Shine!

Apathy & inactivity within. Apostacy & hostility without. Church, Rise up!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK208 The Whisperer

Satan means the Slanderer. As the serpent, he hisses lies & deception. Learn to discern his whispers & take every thought captive.

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SK199 Sin Proof
Your Life

Sin is not what it used to be! Christians are losing their love for biblical truth, including ministers!

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK777 Genesis:
The Re-Creation of Heaven & Earth

Lucifer's Fall = Chaos.
Adam's Sin = Curses.
The Starry Story. 3 CDs.

$20.00 Add to Cart
SK201 America: Weighed in
the Balance

Marriage is one man with one woman. Homosexuality is condemned. But Jesus forgives.

$10.00 Add to Cart
SK200 Cold? Hot?
or Lukewarm?

Lukewarm is not between Cold & Hot! Laodeceia's famous aquaduct is the key.

$10.00 Add to Cart
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